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"America's More than a Country. It's an Idea." Bono, U2

In the world of education, where the administrations and their allies hold all the power, there is one fundamental tool we have turned to in order to stay in our own power - WORDS.

Words of communication, words of support, words of explanation, words of hope, word of understanding, and words of truth are our islands of safety as we journey through this jungle of abuse. Words form ideas that can lead us back to the our promised democracy and the concept we boast about to other countries.

Most of us have used books to quiet our souls and give us strength to stand up to the toxic atmospheres at our schools. We have discovered web sites that speak the language of truth, ethics and justice. We have used words to communicate to others as well as to solicit help from public officials and the media. We must continue until our words are heard, since only with strength will we complete our goal of making our schools authentic institutions rather than organized crime. We need to stop contaminating real words and ideas with the powerful propaganda imprisoning our minds. When we buy into the thinking created by our administrations, for our administrations, we desert our calling. Whether it is their distorted interpretation of professionalism - be a team player even if the team is corrupt - or their labels they attach to critical thinking individuals - troublemakers, hotheads, crackpots - you must learn to think past their insults and see their motives so that you can repel them and live an authentic life. This is a war of words. Nothing more, and we can win because our words obey the the plan of the universe, while their words serve only them.

If you have a site you believe we should LINK to, please email NAPTA. We welcome any suggestions that will enhance our visitors' understanding of abuse and its impact on education. We welcome any feedback. We want to accomplish this mission united for our children.
